What do I do?

Currently I’m a senior software engineer at iteratec - a software service provider.

My main task and goal is to guide the way to software excellence. This goes beyond just finding the best algorithm to do some task. But rather, I design, build, and communicate software in a way such that it is human readable. That ensures maintainability, scalability, and performance in the long run.

As Martin Fowler puts it:

Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.
Martin Fowler

My main focus is Angular for the frontend, NodeJS with NestJS on the backend, and I love to use MongoDB for its flexibility. Though I like to think language and framework agnostic. I much rather focus on patterns than specific implementations.

In my free time I like to play around with Svelte+SvelteKit for its modern approach to change detection and tooling. To implement this website, however, I chose to go with Hugo, as it’s much simpler and cheap to host.